February 14, 2025 ~ Sh YITRO. Maqam HOSENI.

  Digital Music Archive of the Sephardic community of Aleppo

طقوسي التقاليد والتسجيلات الموسيقية في المجتمع اليهودي السفارديم حلب السورية

כֶּמִנְהַג אָרַם צוֹבָא - ק"ק חַלַף

David Matouk Betesh DMD dedicates this project in memory of his Great Grandfather, Hazzan Gabriel A Shrem, and in honor of his dear teacher, Hazzan Isaac J Cabasso.

לזָכּוֹת בּוֹ הַרָבִּים

שְנַת חַמֶשֵת אַלָפִים שְבַע מְאוֹת שִשִים וּשְתַיִם לְיֶצִירָה

MAQAM OF THE WEEK: HOSENI           יתרו

בשנת מות המלך עזיהו יתרו
רקץ אל באן נשמת
אני אשיר שיר שועת
יחיד אלהי קדם  ההודאות
דודי אתן  קדיש
אמרי פי והגיוני  שמחים
בחר דודי  ממצרים
דעת ומזמה  נקדישך
רועה נאמן הוא פזמון ספר תורה
For Shabbat Yitro (Exodus 18:1- 20:23), the prayers are conducted in Maqam HOSENI according to SUHV (the Red Pizmonim Book) and the vast majority of Syrian sources. The highlight of the Torah Reading is the story of Matan Torah; receiving the Ten Commandments. HOSENI, the maqam that means "beautiful" in Arabic, alludes to the Torah's "beauty." Hoseni, which is described as "a high Bayat," is also applied in association with Shabuot, the festival that commemorates receiving the Torah. HAZZANUT: Naqdishakh: Da'at UmZima (page 334). PIZMON SEFER TORAH: Ahallel VeAbia (page 220). Sephardic Pizmonim Project, www.pizmonim.com

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Pizmonim Preservation Checklist - רשימת פזמונים החסרים

Pages 109**, 112*, 112**, 132*, 132**, 134, (145*), 155*, 160, 163**, 170**, 170***,  174**, 175*, 177*, 177**, 178**, 188*, 188**, 196, 208*, 208**, 209**, 219*, 226**, (229,) 230, 245**, 247**, 248*, 252**, 259, 266**, 270**, 287, 294, 304, 321*, 340**, 351, 367**, 378, 391**, 396, 398*, 414*, 414**, 424a, 430*, 448*, 449*, 453, 457*, 467**, 468*, (474), 476*, 479**, 503**, 504

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