January 17, 2025 ~ Sh SHEMOT. Maqam RAST / BAYAT.
Observed on 25 Kislev.
Section | Pizmon | Page | Song | Commentary | Recordings | Application |
1412 | 203o | יה הצל יונה מחכה | Maqam Ajam Hanukkah song. Attiah Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript |
Recording Recording Recording Eliahu Saal- Qaddish |
Ajam | 4873 | שיר ההודאות | SUHV page 204-G. Pizmon by Dr Albert Matalon in honor of the Hanukkah festival. |
Albert Matalon Children |
Rahawi Nawah | 440 | 363 | יצא למלוך מבית סורים | ישראל בר משה בר לוי חזק This pizmon (NAWAH, page 363), is a retelling of the Joseph story (Genesis 39-41) in poetic form. This piece by H Israel Najara (1555-1625) has the acrostic: Israel Bar Moshe Bar Levi Hazaq. There are 16 stanzas in this poem and as a rule, the first three phrases of each stanza rhyme with the last phrase of the preceding stanza (AAAB- BBBC- CCCD etc). The last two stanzas of this poem indicate that the story of Joseph is a source of inspiration for our people; a people who experienced the hardships of poverty (אביון) and oppression (עבד) throughout the ages. The last stanza is the call for redemption of the nation and the hope that God will raise us just like He raised Joseph from the dust of poverty to the power of royalty. According to H Moshe Ashear, this song is traditionally applied for Semehim or Mimisrayim on Shabbat Vayesheb or as a Pizmon Sefer Torah for Shabbat Miqes. Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript |
G. Shrem G. Shrem A Mouhadeb |
שמחים |
Ajam | 202 | 166 | מעוז צור | "Maoz Sur Yeshuati" (AJAM, page 166), a piece from the 13th century Eastern Europe, is considered the most famous Jewish hymns for the festival of Hanukkah. The name of the song, meaning "Strong Rock, My Salvation," is a reference to God, and the song, throughout its 6 stanzas (acrostic: מרדכי חזק), recounts the many times that God saved the Jewish people. The hymn retells Jewish history in poetic form and celebrates deliverance from four ancient enemies, Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar, Haman, and Antiochus. In the first stanza, it says that God saved us during the times when the enemies are about to slaughter us, and this is when we rededicated the altar, a reference to the festival Hanukkah. The melody of this piece, according to Cantor Birnbaum of Konigsberg, is adapted from the old German folk-song "So weiss ich eins," and has been widely spread among German Jews as early as 1450. It has become tradition to sing the first verse of this song after lighting the Hanukkah candles. |
M Kairey G. Shrem Recording Knis Ades- Rau Banim Eliahu Saal- Qaddish Moshe Dwek Moshe Dwek |
כתר |
Rahawi Nawah | 450 | 372 | אודך אל טובות גמלת | Raphael Tabbush This pizmon (RAHAWI-NAWAH, page 372), whose opening words translates as "I Will Give Thanks to You" is one of the few Syrian Sephardic songs in honor of Hanukah. It is composed by the legendary poet, H Raphael Tabbush, whose name appears in the acrostic (אני רפאל חזק). In its six stanzas, each clause of a given stanza rhymes with one another, and the last clause of each stanza rhymes with the preceding stanza. In the notes of H Moshe Ashear, it is only used as the PIZMON SEFER TORAH on the Shabbat prior to Hanukah, although it's melody can be used for the various pieces of prayers throughout the year. The pizmon starts by thanking God for all the good that He bestowed onto His chosen nation; for allowing Israel to defeat its foes. The second stanza says that a miracle was performed in the days of "Matitya" (מתתיה), and from a little oil, the entire Temple was lit. The word "Hanukah" appears in the fourth stanza as God tells the people to rejoice as they dedicate the Temple (חנכת הבית), and to retell the story of the miracles to their children. The last verse is a prayer for strength for the nation that assembles in their holy synagogues to exalt God's name. Tabbush Manuscript |
G. Shrem G. Shrem |
ממצרים |
Bayat | 314 | 244 | היכלו היכלו | Raphael Tabbush Hanukkah. Thanking God for the deliverence against the enemies. Like "Al Hanissim", this song opens and closes with the Beit Hamikdash. This song also mentions Matityahu and the lighting of the Menora. Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 |
M. Nadaf Recording Maury Blanco Moshe Eliahou |
Sigah | 1391 | 472s | יביעון שפתי שירה | יוסף יונה חזק Maqam Awj-Oj Hanukkah. Menorah. Attiah Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript |
Iraqi Recording Iraqi Recording Yom Tob Yanani - Nishmat M Habusha H Abraham Zafrani- Nishmat D Binker-Duek- Nishmat |
נשמת |
Nahwand | 259 | 207 | לנרי ואורי | Raphael Tabbush Hanukkah. |
E. Menaged Recording Recording J Mosseri - EH |
שועת עניים |
Saba | 508.2 | 424a | אך טוב לישראל | Abraham I Antebi אברהם. Composed by H Abraham Antebi (1765-1858), Chief Rabbi of Aleppo from 1817. Pizmon found in "Ohel Yesharim" book from 1843. Attiah Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript |