October 25, 2024 ~ Shabbat BERESHIT. RAST.

Weekday Prayer Services - תפילת מנחה וערבית

Index of Pizmonim

Pizmon Page Song CommentaryRecordings Application
2382 583 פתיחת אליהו ז''ל M Habusha
2383 W3 למנצח על הגתית
2384 W4 צו את בני ישראל Torah Passage about Daily Sacrifices offered twice a day. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560
2385 W5 פטום הקטרת The Qetoret Passage. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560 G Shrem
2386 W7 אשרי יושבי ביתך Ashrei (Psalm 145). Mahzor Aram Soba 1560 G. Shrem: Mahour
G Shrem: Hoseni
G. Shrem: Mahour
I Cabasso- Saba
2386.5 W9 Full Weekday Amidah David Tawil
David Tawil- SLOW
M Kairey- Sigah Weekdays
2387 W9 מגן אברהם Amidah Blessing 1: The Merit of Our Forefathers. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560
2388 W9 מחיה המתים Amidah Blessing 2: The Strength of God. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560
2388.1 W9 נקדישך Qedusha for Shaharit and Minha.
2389 W10 האל הקדוש Amidah Blessing 3: The Holiness of God. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560
2390 W10 חונן הדעת Amidah Blessing 4: Prayer for Wisdom. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560
2391 W10 הרוצה בתשובה Amidah Blessing 5: Prayer for Repentence. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560
2392 W10 סליחה Amidah Blessing 6: Prayer for Atonement. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560
2393 W10 גאולה Amidah Blessing 7: Prayer for Redemption. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560
2394 W10 רופא חולים Amidah Blessing 8: Prayer for Health. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560
2395 W11 מברך השנים Amidah Blessing 9: Prayer for Rain. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560
2396 W11 קיבוץ גליות Amidah Blessing 10: Prayer for Gathering of Exiles. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560
2397 W11 משפט Amidah Blessing 11: Prayer for Justice. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560
2398 W11 מינים Amidah Blessing 12: Prayer against our enemies. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560
2399 W11 על הצדיקים Amidah Blessing 13: Prayer on behalf of the Righteous. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560
2399.1 W12 בונה ירושלים Amidah Blessing 14: Prayer for the Rebuilding of Jerusalem. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560
2399.2 W12 ישועה Amidah Blessing 15: Prayer for the Messianic Era. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560
2399.3 W12 שומע תפילה Amidah Blessing 16: Petition for God to hear our prayers. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560
2399.4 W13 רצה Amidah Blessing 17: Prayer for the Return of the Temple Services in Jerusalem. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560
2399.5 W13 מודים Amidah Blessing 18: Prayer of Thanksgiving. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560
2399.6 W14 שים שלום Amidah Blessing 19: Prayer for Peace. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560
2399.7 W15 תחנונים Supplications recited each weekday except: Rosh Hodesh, Ereb Rosh Hashana, Rosh Hashana, Ereb Yom Kippur, 11 Tishri until end of month, Hanukkah, 17 Tebet (Baghdad), Purim Ashrif on 23 Tebet (Libya), Purim Baregel on 29 Tebet (Libya), "Tu Bishbat", Purim and Shushan Purim on 14 & 15 Adar I and II, Purim Misrayim on 28 Adar (Egypt), Entire Month of Nissan, Israel Independence Day (5 Iyar), Pesah Sheni (14 Iyar), Lag LaOmer (18 Iyar), Yom Yerushalayim (28 Iyar), 1-12 Sivan, Nes Musan on 13 Sivan (Aleppo), Nes Tosha on 19 Tammuz (Damascus), Tisha Bab (9 Ab), 11 Ab (Baghdad), 15 Ab, Nes Toma on 8 Elul (Damascus). Mahzor Aram Soba 1560
2399.8 W17 קדיש תתקבל Qaddish Titqabal. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560
2399.9 W19 עלינו Alenu- Concluding Prayer. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560
5000 ובא לציון I Cabasso- Uba Lesion- Nahwand
I Cabasso 2
D Binker-Duek
5001 ואני תפלתי I Cabasso- Rare Traditional Tune
D Binker-Duek- RAST
Lebanese version