March 29, 2025 ~ Sh PEQUDEI. NAWAH or SABA.

Mossaei Shabbat - למוצאי שבת

Index of Pizmonim

Pizmon Page Song CommentaryRecordings Application
67 76 במוצאי יום מנוחה Yaakob Manoi Very old pizmon. Found in Mahzor Vitry. Its composer is Ya'acob Manoi, whose name is spelled in the acrostic beginning with the second stanza. It begins with a plea that God gather Israel together from exile during the coming week. It asks that He redeem Israel from its current state of degradation and bring it to the Temple. Closes with a prayer for Elijah the prophet, traditionally the herald of the Messiah. G. Shrem
G. Shrem
Sephardic Archives
Moshe Dwek - Rau Banim
ראו בנים
68 77 חדש ששוני Talks about Eliyahu HaNabi. The song is accrostic. Asks for fulfillment of national aspirations and asks for Eliyahu to announce the redemption. G. Shrem
G. Shrem
Sephardic Archives
ראו בנים
69 78 אגיל ואשמח Elazar According to tradition, Eliyahu will be the one to announce the Messiah, and it has been promised to Israel that the announcement won't come on a Friday night/Shabbat. Therefore, it is a custom to start and ask/wait for the Messiah starting Saturday night from the moment that Shabbat is over. A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 G. Shrem
G. Shrem
Sephardic Archives
70 78 משביח שאון ימים "Mashbiah Sheon Yamim" is an allusion to Psalm 65:8. G. Shrem
G. Shrem
G. Shrem
Sephardic Archives
71 80 שיר אענה G. Shrem
G. Shrem
Sephardic Archives
ראו בנים
72 81 אל אליהו Abraham Ibn Ezra There are many different melodies to this song. Eliyahu, who will be the announcer of the redemption will hopefully come on a Saturday night right after Shabbat and in zechut (merit) that we have observed the Shabbat. The pizmon ends in prayer. G. Shrem
G. Shrem
Sephardic Archives
M Habusha
D Binker-Duek
הבדלה 82 אליהו הנביא The pizmon, which we have no melody for, is devoted exclusively to the praise of Elijah the prophet. There are 22 stanzas that begin with the word "ish"(man). The second word for each verse is an alphabetic acrostic. G. Shrem
Sephardic Archives
הבדלה 83 אלהינו Prayer for the new week. G. Shrem
72.03 85 הבדלה All of these Habdalot recordings, courtesy of Steven M Ashear, took place in the Edmond J Safra Synagogue of South Deal (Hathaway) by Cantor Yehiel Nahari. Mahzor Aram Soba 1560 Recording 4- Bayat
Recording 3- Bayat
Recording 2- Hijaz
Recording 1- Bayat
Recording 5- Saba
Recording 6- Bayat
Recording 7- Bayat
Recording 8- Bayat
Recording 9- Nahwand
Recording 10- Bayat
Recording 11- Sigah
Recording 12- Bayat
Recording 14- Bayat
Recording 13- Bayat
Haim Daya- Habdala
Recording 15- Nahwand
Recording 16- Sigah/Ajam
Recording 17- Ajam/Saba
D Tawil
I Cabasso
Moshe Dwek - Habdalla
Moe Tawil- Habdala
הבדלה 86 ויתן לך Verses from the Tanakh of blessings (for the new week). G. Shrem
73 88 המבדיל בין קודש Yisshaq Kattan Hatam Sofer writes that this pizmon was originally to be recited for the conclusion of Yom Kippur due to its frequent reference to forgiveness. Each stanza ends with the word "lailah" (night). G. Shrem
Sephardic Archives
ראו בנים
74 90 אמר ה' ליעקב Follows the Alef Bet. Nearly every verse is a Biblical allusion. The general theme is that Israel, based on Biblical assurances, should have no fear that it will be doomed. First seen in Aram Soba Mahzor in 1527. G. Shrem
Sephardic Archives
75 91 על בית זה ויושבהו Ben Ish Hai G. Shrem
G. Shrem
Sephardic Archives
Moshe Dwek - Qaddish
Moshe Dwek - Rau Banim
76 92 חביב אללה אליהו Arabic Arabic. Used for Semehim Besetam on Shabbat Pinehas. G. Shrem
Sephardic Archives
77 94 אליהו בל כרמל Judeo-Arabic. Mentions the different locations that were the sister communities of Aleppo. Jobar is a place where Eliyahu HaNavi hid. G. Shrem
G. Shrem
77.01 95 שיר למעלות Bayat. G. Shrem
4087 אלפא ביתא Starting Psalm 119. D Binker-Duek
4088 מכתם לדויד
4089 לדויד ברוך Psalm 144.
4090 ה' צבאות עמנו