February 10, 2025 ~ Sh YITRO. Maqam HOSENI.
Section | Pizmon | Page | Song | Commentary | Recordings | Application |
Tehillim | 3 | 3 | מזמור ג | When escaping Abshalom. When punishment befalls man, he should not be upset by his chastisement. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
מזמור |
Tehillim | 4 | 4 | מזמור ד | A warning not to embarrass, slander, gossip, or be envious. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח בנגינות |
Tehillim | 5 | 5 | מזמור ה | For the righteous to be rewarded and for the wicked to perish. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח אל הנחילות מזמור |
Tehillim | 6 | 6 | מזמור ו | Prayer for one who has fallen ill. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח בנגינות על השמינית מזמור |
Tehillim | 7 | 7 | מזמור ז | Concerning Kush of the tribe of Benjamin. do not rejoice in your enemy's downfall. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
שגיון |
Tehillim | 8 | 9 | מזמור ח | A praise for God who has created a wondrous world. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח על הגתית מזמור |
Tehillim | 9 | 10 | מזמור ט | Acrostic- combined with Psalm 10- the wicked should perish from the world. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח על מות לבן מזמור |
Tehillim | 10 | 12 | מזמור י | The second part of the above psalm. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
Tehillim | 11 | 14 | מזמור יא | The suffering of the righteous one is for his own benefit, to cleanse him of his transgressions. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח |
Tehillim | 12 | 15 | מזמור יב - מזמור לשמיני חג עצרת | Psalm for Shemini Asseret festival. This psalm admonishes informers, slanderers, and flatterers. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח בנגינות על השמינית מזמור |
Tehillim | 13 | 16 | מזמור יג | A prayer for an end to the long exile. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח מזמור |
Tehillim | 14 | 16 | מזמור יד | The destruction of the temple. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח |
Tehillim | 15 | 17 | מזמור טו | Entrance liturgy. the attributes of good conduct that one should strive to emulate in order to be successful. |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
מזמור |
Tehillim | 16 | 18 | מזמור טז | Recited on Mossaei Shabbat. When one is in need, he should not implore God in his own merit, for he must leave his merits for his children. |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
מכתם |
Tehillim | 17 | 19 | מזמור יז | Yom Kippur piece 1. A lofty person should not ask God to test him with some sinful matter or other things. If one has sinned, he should see to reform himself. |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
תפילה |
Tehillim | 18 | 21 | מזמור יח | A song of the servent of God when rescued from enemies; a song of David when rescued from Saul; similar to the song in 2 Samuel 22. |
Haim Daya- Psalm 18 Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח לעבד ה' |
Tehillim | 19 | 25 | מזמור יט | Recited on Shabbat morning- about the nature praising God's creation. |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח מזמור |
Tehillim | 20 | 27 | מזמור כ | God will answer you in your day of crisis. |
Haim Daya- Psalm 20 Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח מזמור |
Tehillim | 21 | 28 | מזמור כא | Pilgrim liturgy. Be grateful for what you have and recognize that it is from God. |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח מזמור |
Tehillim | 22 | 29 | מזמור כב | Recited on Purim- about the length of our exile. Vows for self improvement. |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח על אילת השחר מזמור |
Tehillim | 23 | 32 | מזמור כג | A psalm recited prior to Qiddush on Shabbat. God is personified as our shepherd. |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
מזמור |
Tehillim | 24 | 33 | מזמור כד | Entrance liturgy. A psalm that was recited by the Levites during the Sunday temple services. who will merit to go to the holy sanctuary; one who has clean hands and a pure heart. |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
Tehillim | 25 | 34 | מזמור כה | Yom Kippur piece 2. Acrostic- recited in Supplication services. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
Tehillim | 26 | 36 | מזמור כו | Envying those who are spiritually superior than you. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
Tehillim | 27 | 37 | מזמור כז | Some recite this after morning services. Praising God for him entrusting us with victory in our battles. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
Tehillim | 28 | 38 | מזמור כח | A prayer for every individual , entrusting God to assist him in walking the good path, to prevent him from walking with the wicked doers of evil, and that He repay the wicked for their wickedness and the righteous for their righteousness. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
Tehillim | 29 | 40 | מזמור כט | Hymn of Divine Kingship. Recited for Qaballat Shabbat. The name of God appears eighteen times in this mizmor. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
מזמור |
Tehillim | 30 | 41 | מזמור ל | A psalm of thanksgiving for the dedication of the House. Recited on Hanukkah. Thanking God for turning tragedy into triumph. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
מזמור שיר חנוכת הבית |
Tehillim | 31 | 42 | מזמור לא | Instructs man to place trust in God alone. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח מזמור |
Tehillim | 32 | 45 | מזמור לב | Yom Kippur piece 3. The psalms speaks of forgiveness of sin and of the good fortune of one who repents and confesses to God. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
משכיל |
Tehillim | 34 | 48 | מזמור לד | Recited on Shabbat morning- acrostic- praising God. Ascribed to David when he changed his personality in order to avoid dangerous confrontation before Abimelekh (King Akhish). Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
Tehillim | 35 | 50 | מזמור לה | God fights our enemies and our battles. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
Tehillim | 36 | 53 | מזמור לו | A message to those who follow their evil inclination. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח לעבד ה' |
Tehillim | 37 | 54 | מזמור לז | Do not be jealous of the prosperity o the wicked. Put your trust in God and conduct yourselves with integrity and dignity. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
Tehillim | 38 | 57 | מזמור לח | A prayer bewailing the length of the exile. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
מזמור להזכיר |
Tehillim | 39 | 59 | מזמור לט | A request to remove personal suffering. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח לידיתון מזמור |
Tehillim | 40 | 61 | מזמור מ | The psalmist speaks of the numerous wonders that God wrought for us. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח מזמור |
Tehillim | 41 | 63 | מזמור מא | The blessing for those giving charity. Conclusion of Book One; Psalms 1-41 is said to be the oldest section of the Book of Psalms. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח מזמור |
Tehillim | 51 | 78 | מזמור נא | Yom Kippur piece 4. Ascribed to describe when he was approached by Nathan the Prophet after he had gone to Bat Sheba. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח מזמור |
Tehillim | 52 | 80 | מזמור נב | When Doeg HaAdomi informed Saul that David was invited to the House of Ahimelekh (priests). A curse to Doeg and those like him. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח משכיל |
Tehillim | 53 | 81 | מזמור נג | About one who denies The existence of God. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח על מחלת משכיל |
Tehillim | 54 | 82 | מזמור נד | Ascribed to describe when the people of Ziph informed Saul that David was hiding in Ziph. A prayer to God that He save all those who hope for His kindness. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח בנגינות משכיל |
Tehillim | 55 | 83 | מזמור נה | A plea for God to listen to our prayers. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח בנגינות משכיל |
Tehillim | 56 | 85 | מזמור נו | Ascribed to describe the mortal danger when in the Philistine city of Gath. In his distress, David accepts vows upon himself. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח על יונת אלם רחקים מכתם |
Tehillim | 57 | 86 | מזמור נז | Ascribed to describe the situation of fleeing Saul in the cave. In his merit of his trust in God, God wrought wonders to save him. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח אל תשחת מכתם |
Tehillim | 58 | 87 | מזמור נח | Expresses anguish caused his enemies pursuing him. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח אל תשחת מכתם |
Tehillim | 59 | 89 | מזמור נט | Ascribed to describe thoughts when King Saul dispatched soldiers to his house in order to seek his death. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח אל תשחת מכתם |
Tehillim | 60 | 90 | מזמור ס | Communal Lament. "A letter to teach". Ascribed to describe when David battled against Aram Naharaim and Aram Soba, and Joab had returned from Edom and killed 12,000 people. Prayer for success during time of war. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח על שושן עדות מכתם ללמד |
Tehillim | 61 | 92 | מזמור סא | The psalmist wants a long life- not for the sake of pursuing the pleasures of the world, but rather to serve God in awe, all of his days. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח על נגינת |
Tehillim | 62 | 93 | מזמור סב | Prays for the downfall of enemies. faith should not rest in riches. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח על ידותון מזמור |
Tehillim | 63 | 94 | מזמור סג | Ascribed to describe when David was hiding in the Judean Desert. A prayer on behalf and against his enemy. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
מזמור |
Tehillim | 64 | 95 | מזמור סד | Asking God to preserve his life in the face of enemies. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח מזמור |
Tehillim | 65 | 96 | מזמור סה | Yom Kippur piece 5. Since it is impossible to recount God's greatness, silence is His praise. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח מזמור שיר |
Tehillim | 68 | 100 | מזמור סח - מזמור לחג השבועות | Describes a time when God will scatter the enemies. Recited on the Shabuot festival. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח מזמור שיר |
Tehillim | 69 | 103 | מזמור סט | Asking for deliverance. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח על שושנים |
Tehillim | 70 | 107 | מזמור ע | Praying that the adversaries be shamed and humiliated for shaming him and reveling in his troubles. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח להזכיר |
Tehillim | 86 | 136 | מזמור פו | Yom Kippur piece 7. Regarding times of trouble and times of distress. Recited in daily morning prayers. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
תפלה |
Tehillim | 101 | 158 | מזמור קא | Seclusion from others. Private conduct. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
מזמור |
Tehillim | 103 | 161 | מזמור קג | Yom Kippur piece 9. On behalf of the sick. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
Tehillim | 108 | 178 | מזמור קח | Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
שיר מזמור |
Tehillim | 109 | 179 | מזמור קט | Describing enemies who have tricked him into thinking they were friends. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח מזמור |
Tehillim | 110 | 182 | מזמור קי | Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
מזמור |
Tehillim | 122 | 207 | מזמור קכב | Song of Ascents 3. Song of Zion. Aleppo Codex Dead Sea Scroll Fragment- Psalm 122 |
Max E Tawil D Riahi H Baruch Ben Haim |
שיר המעלות |
Tehillim | 124 | 208 | מזמור קכד | Song of Ascents 5. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil D Riahi H Baruch Ben Haim |
שיר המעלות |
Tehillim | 131 | 213 | מזמור קלא | Song of Ascents 12. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil D Riahi H Baruch Ben Haim |
שיר המעלות |
Tehillim | 133 | 215 | מזמור קלג | Song of Ascents 14. Aleppo Codex Dead Sea Scroll Fragment- Psalm 133 |
Max E Tawil D Riahi H Baruch Ben Haim |
שיר המעלות |
Tehillim | 138 | 220 | מזמור קלח | Praising God for his kindness to him and for fulfilling his promise to grant him kingship. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
Tehillim | 139 | 221 | מזמור קלט | Guiding man in the ways of God. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח מזמור |
Tehillim | 140 | 223 | מזמור קמ | Against slanderers. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
למנצח מזמור |
Tehillim | 141 | 225 | מזמור קמא | One should pray for divine assistance that his mouth should not speak that which is not in his heart. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
מזמור |
Tehillim | 142 | 226 | מזמור קמב | A prayer when David was in the cave. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
משכיל |
Tehillim | 143 | 227 | מזמור קמג | Asking God to hear his prayers. Aleppo Codex |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |
מזמור |
Tehillim | 144 | 228 | מזמור קמד | After triumphing in wars, it is appropriate to praise God. Recited on Mossaei Shabbat prior to evening services. Aleppo Codex Dead Sea Scroll Fragment- Psalm 144 |
Max E Tawil H Baruch Ben Haim |