October 25, 2024 ~ Shabbat BERESHIT. RAST.

Sigah - سيكاه


Maqam Sigah (Sikah) - סיגא / שיגא  / סיכא- from the Persian for "third place." According to Prof. Idelsohn, Sigah denotes majesty, pomp, ceremony (as conducted by the Kohanim). Construction of the tabernacle and its utensils is likened to the consruction of God's, the King's, palace and would also warrant this maqam.  

This maqam is used for the chanting of the Torah.

Other maqamot in the Sigah family are: Oj, Iraq, Huzam, and Sigah Baladi.

~150 known pizmonim.

 Sigah trichord: starting on E

Index of Pizmonim

Pizmon Page Song CommentaryRecordings Application
514.99 432 פזמונים במקאם סיגא Assorted Songs
515 432 יצו האל יעקב עבדי Alludes to the 10 Sefirot. Attiah Manuscript Yabess Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript British Library Or. 10375 E. Menaged
E. Menaged 2
E. Menaged 3
E. Menaged 4
E. Menaged 5
I Cabasso- Nishmat
D Binker-Duek and Choir
516 433 נבחר ידיד Nissim Lopez Shabbat Vayishlah. M. Nadaf
Recording- Nishmat
517 434 ראש פעלי Arabic: Eshfa'ouli. Sung by Muhammad Salim. E. Menaged
E. Menaged 2
I. Cabasso- Qaddish
Arabic: Eshfaouli
Maury Blanco
518 435 אתה מרום This pizmon (SIGAH, page 435), whose title is translated as "You, Who Lives in Heaven and Resides Above," is a song for the Yom Tob festivals. The acrostic of this song is Abraham (אברהם), and there is a reference here to each of the three patriarchs. What makes this song unique is that each of the five rhyming stanzas ends with a biblical source referencing God's name. The song begins with how the author and the entire community will rejoice and praise God at happy occasions; in the happiness of the bride and groom (in the first stanza), and in the happiness of the Yom Tob festivals (in the second stanza). The third stanza then asks that God, the merciful One, will spread his kindness on the children of Abraham. The fourth stanza says that we should praise God, because He will rebuild the Beit HaMiqdash where we will soon offer sacrifices to God in the future. The poem concludes (in the fifth stanza) with a plea to fulfill the prophecy of Ezekiel of returning to Zion, rebuilding the Temple, and then sending the Messiah, from the House of King David, to redeem the Jewish nation. Due to the song’s clear reference to “Eleh Moadei Hashem (Leviticus 23:4),” the source in the Torah that discusses the annual holiday cycle, this can be used as a PIZMON SEFER TORAH on the Shalosh Regalim. Tabbush Manuscript E. Menaged
G. Shrem
M. Kairey
G. Shrem
Moshe Dwek
519 436 יום יום אל שדי יצחק חזק Attiah Manuscript Yabess Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript E. Menaged
D Binker-Duek - Nishmat
520 436 עורי כלה Acrostic: Ezra. British Library Or. 10375 E. Menaged
E. Menaged 2
I. Cabasso- Qedusha
G. Shrem
Charlie Chehebar- Naqdishakh
I Cabasso - Qedusha 2
521 437 יונה יקושה יום טוב Attiah Manuscript Yabess Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript Maftirim
R. Elnadav
M Habusha
522 438 מלך רם ונשא Moshe Ashkenazi Tabbush Manuscript British Library Or. 10375 E. Menaged
E. Menaged 2
M. Nadaf
G. Shrem
R Elnadav- Semehim
Isaac Cabasso
523 439 את כלה Alef-Bet. Tabbush Manuscript British Library Or. 10375 E. Menaged
I. Cabasso- Qaddish
Isaac Cabasso- Qaddish
Isaac Cabasso
524 441 יתברך שם האל E. Menaged
525 441 אשיש אל בך This song is a DOR and the name in Arabic is 'Aziz Hobak. E. Menaged
S. Salem
Arabic sung by Mohamed Salim
Y. Bozo
Amos Dodi
Y Bozo - Pizmon and Qaddish
I Cabasso- Qaddish
Maury Blanco
526 442 אנא הישר Raphael Tabbush Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript E. Menaged
527 442 הימי סתמי Raphael Tabbush Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript G. Shrem
Naftali Tawil- Shavat
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - EH
Moshe Dwek - Naqdishakh
אל ההודאות
528 443 אל יצרני לעמל Raphael Tabbush Maqam Awj-Oj E. Menaged
E. Menaged 2
G. Shrem
Arabic: Ya Man Asarni Bilgamal
Isaac Cabasso- Nishmat
Naftali Tawil- Nishmat
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - Pizmon
Moshe Dwek - Nishmat
529 443 מצפה לזמן Raphael Tabbush Maqam Awj-Oj M. Kairey
Fule Yanani
G. Shrem
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - SA , BY
Moshe Dwek - Naqdishakh
ה' מלך
530 444 דבר סתר גל Raphael Tabbush Maqam Rast M. Nadaf
I. Cabasso: Hashem Melekh
Shabetai Laniado
ה' מלך
531 444 הרחב גבולי יה M. Mustachi
532 445 חסדך עם Sing for philantropist. Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript I. Cabasso
533 445 יה אוחיל Raphael Tabbush Maqam Awj-Oj Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript E. Menaged
S. Salem
Arabic: Mohamed Selim: Ya Naheef AlQawam
Y. Bozo
I. Cabasso
Naftali Tawil- Nishmat
Shabetai Laniado- Nishmat
Shabetai Laniado- Nishmat 2
534 446 ידידי למה E. Sayegh
Amos Dodi
Maury Blanco
535 446 עזר היו לי E. Menaged
536 447 אדיר ונורא Tabbush Manuscript E. Menaged
E. Menaged 2
E. Menaged 3
I. Cabasso
G. Shrem
Isaac Cabasso- Qaddish
David Franco - Qaddish
Moshe Dwek - Qaddish
537 448 שדי שעה לאמרי פי Tabbush Manuscript
538 448 רזי עולם Raphael Tabbush Shalosh Regalim. Tabbush Manuscript Fule Yanani
I. Cabasso- Qaddish
Naftali Tawil- Nishmat
539 449 אל תעירו אל תעוררו אליהו Maqam OJ. Attiah Manuscript Yabess Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript Shire Zimrah, Algiers, 1889
540 449 ארך זמני Pesah association. Fule Yanani
I. Cabasso
I. Cabasso- Shav'at
G. Shrem
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - SA , BY
שועת עניים
541 450 קץ ימין יפרח יציץ G. Shrem
I Cabasso- Naqdishakh
I Cabasso- Naqdishakh 2
542 451 יחיד אל דגול מרבבה This pizmon (SIGAH, page 451) is composed by H Yeshaya Sutton Rabia, a mid-nineteenth century Aleppo rabbi who composed many pizmonim. The acrostic of the song is Yeshaya, and it contains four rhyming stanzas. It is possibly written in honor of an "Ezra Shalom," whose name is alluded to in the third stanza. The song intends to give praise to an important person, such as a Rabbi. Here is a translation: "Only God stands out in the tens of thousands; He will bless this big man; the one my soul likes; with love and much endearment. The Lord will bless him and protect his arrival and departure; the whole nation goes out to greet him and exclaim to him "welcome." Above will exalt his fortune, and He will be a help to him; His good treasure will be open to him, and he will merit a good ending. God will bless his efforts, years of life will be added for him, peace will be placed in his borders, because he will have a high wall." When praying in Maqam SIGAH, this melody can be applied to "Befi Yesharim." Hamaoui Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Shir Ushbaha, 1921 British Library Or. 10375 G. Shrem
I. Cabasso
Fule Yanani
Saul Nobeh Betesh
G. Shrem
R Barzani- Mimisrayim
Moshe Dwek
בפי ישרים
543 451 שוכן רומה Rosh Hashana. M. Nadaf
I. Cabasso
I Cabasso
544 452 יברך החתן Maqam Awj-Oj Hatan. Hamaoui Manuscript Attiah Manuscript A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 G. Shrem
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - Qaddish
אל ההודאות
545 452 אגילה אגילה Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript I. Cabasso- El Hahodaot
I. Cabasso - Alternate version
G. Shrem
R Barzani- Naqdishakh
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - HM
Moshe Dwek - EH
Moshe Dwek - Naqdishakh
אל ההודאות
546 453 בינה הגיגי
547 454 אל רם חסין יה G. Shrem
Moshe Dwek - HM
Moshe Dwek - Semehim
Moshe Dwek - Naqdishakh
548 455 אל עוז נאזר G. Shrem
Moshe Dwek
549 455 אליך לבי נמס G. Shrem
Moshe Dwek
550 456 ידיד השב את שיבותי Isaac Dabbah יצחק דבח חזק Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript I. Cabasso
551 457 שמע מהללי נפשי לי כמה שלמה חזק Maqam OJ. Yabess Manuscript
552 457 ראה זר גבר Raphael Tabbush Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript I. Cabasso
I Cabasso- Mimisrayim
552.1 458 נגילה הללויה Asher Mizrahi Siman: Asher Hazaq. Lahan: Lah Yiglala. M. Kairey
Eliahou Ozen- Shavat
Moshe Dwek
Abraham Franco- Semehim
552.2 458 אל חי אל חי  G. Shrem
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - Haleluya
אל ההודאות
552.3 458a אור כשלמה אברהם Attiah Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript Arabic
D Binker-Duek - Pizmon and Semehim
D Binker-Duek - Semehim only
D Binker-Duek - Pizmon
553 459 ימי מלך אחשורוש ידידיה חזק Maqam Awj-Oj Purim. Attiah Manuscript Yabess Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript Abraham Mizrahi Kawaje - Pizmon
D Binker-Duek: Pizmon
D Binker-Duek: Nishmat
D Binker Group: Full Pizmon
554 459 אברך את אלעזר Maqam Iraq Purim. This is the first pizmon that Gabriel A. Shrem has learned. Attiah Manuscript Sassoon Manuscript #647 Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript Shire Zimrah, Algiers, 1889 A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 E. Menaged
Yosef Hamaoui
Fule Yanani
G. Shrem
555 460 אלי צור ישועתי "My God, the Rock of my Salvation; Why have you abandoned me?" is a translation of the first line of the pizmon "Eli Sur Yeshuati" (SIGAH, page 460); considered the flagship song of Purim. The author of this pizmon is said to be H David Yaaqob Pardo, although the acrostic written in the older manuscripts is "Asher Ben Yaaqob Hazaq." The song featured in most current pizmonim books is incomplete- only containing 5 stanzas; corresponding to the first five letters of the alphabet (אבגד״ה). In Aleppo manuscripts from before 1850 (such as Sassoon #647), however, this song has more stanzas. This song, consisting of references from Megillat Esther, contains rhyming sequences within each verse. The thing in common in each stanza is that the last verse always starts with the word "Chai" or life; proclaiming that despite all the hardships that we go through, this is life and God keeps us alive. This melody is applied to Naqdishakh on Shabbat Zakhor and on Purim. Sassoon Manuscript #647 E. Menaged
Yosef Hamaoui
Fule Yanani
G. Shrem
Moshe Dwek - Qaddish
556 462 אל עושה נקמה This pizmon (SIGAH, page 462), whose first words are translated "God who makes revenge," is an entertaining song that retells the miracle of Purim using rhymes. There are a total of 22 stanzas in this piece; corresponding to each letter of the Hebrew alphabet (א״ב). Within a stanza, each clause rhymes with one another, except for the last clause of the stanza, which rhymes with all the previous stanzas. The pizmon, which is classified as Maqam OJ in the older manuscripts, originates from Aleppo and is older than 1850. The author of this piece is uncertain, although there is a possibility that it may be H Raphael Antebi Tabbush. The melody of this pizmon is from the Arabic "Ya Dini Yeaman," and is typically applied to Shavat Aniyim on Shabbat Zakhor, and to El Hahodaot on Purim itself. The song concludes with a prayer for redemption; to give good things to the Jewish nation in order to raise their spirits. Hamaoui Manuscript Tabbush Manuscript Yosef Hamaoui
Fule Yanani
G. Shrem
I Cabasso
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - EH
Moshe Dwek - Naqdishakh
שועת עניים
557 464 אור גילה Raphael Tabbush Purim. A song of praise and thanksgiving for God's deliverance of the Jews from Haman. The pizmon, by Refael Antebi (19th century), has allusions to the Megillah as well its midrashim. The Jews got saved from the evil decree after prayers. Shir Ushbaha, 1921 A Z Idelsohn notes, 1923 E. Menaged
Yosef Hamaoui
Fule Yanani
G. Shrem
I Cabasso- (3) songs
אל ההודאות
558 465 תם ונשלם Raphael Tabbush Purim. TAM VENISHLAM - This pizmon (SIGAH, page 465), whose title can be translated as “Finished and Complete,” is a song composed by Jewish Syrian poet H Raphael Antebi Tabbush, and is one of five songs that he wrote in honor of the Purim festival. This composition, which has the acrostic of the author’s name (רפאל), has 4 rhyming stanzas in addition to the opening stanza which serves as the song’s chorus. The melody of this pizmon is used for Mimisrayim on Shabbat Zakhor as well as on Purim itself. In its opening chorus, the author is joyful that the days of God’s disappearance are over. In the first stanza, the author says that he is not happy when his enemies are in a high position of power, and asks God not to erase their transgressions (thereby punishing them in the future). In the second stanza, the author asks God to redeem him from the hands of the foreigners, just like the way God redeemed us in the days of Haman who made decrees on all the Jewish people; young and old alike. Our peril took place because King Ahashverosh sold our nation out for a monetary bribe. God, however, altered Haman’s wicked plans; causing him and his children to be hung on the very same tree that he prepared to hang Mordekhai. Shir Ushbaha, 1921 Yosef Hamaoui
Fule Yanani
G. Shrem
559 466 קום ידידי הבה קציר חזק Maqam Awj-Oj Pizmon talks about Seudat Purim and the mitzvot of Purim. Talks about drinking on Purim and how you should drink until you don't know the difference between "Cursed be Haman and Blessed be Mordechai". The end of the pizmon talks about R' Zeirah who got too drunk and the trouble he put himself into as a result. Attiah Manuscript Yabess Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript M. Habusha
Iraqi version
560 467 יום הנסים והפורקן ישראל Maqam Awj-Oj Purim. More popular in Damascus tradition. Attiah Manuscript Sassoon Manuscript #647 Yabess Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript J. Mosseri
אל ההודאות
561 467 יה יה אנא Moses Ashear Ashear Manuscript
562 468 ממשגב לעם הנעלה Moses Ashear Ashear Manuscript
563 468 ענני אל במרחב יה Ezra J. Mosseri
Isaac Cabasso- Nishmat
G Shrem - Qaddish
I Cabasso - Qaddish
564 469 מי זאת עולה יפה-פיה מרדכי חזק In honor of the Torah. Alludes to the 10 Sefirot. Yabess Manuscript Mosseri-Kozli Manuscript G. Shrem
G. Shrem
Shabetai Laniado
Moshe Dwek
Moshe Dwek - HM
ה' מלך
565 470 יה אל לך אהללה Ezekiel Hai Albeg In honor of Gabriel A Shrem, cantor of Congregation Magen David of 67th Street. Photograph of Gabriel and Rachel Shrem Five Generations of Shrem Uncles (2013) Photograph of 5 generations of Shrem Family (2013) I. Dayan
G Shrem Interview
565.01 קוראי מגלה Shaare Zimra, Argentina book page 394. Read after the Megillah. Shaare Zimra, Argentina F. Yanani
D Binker-Duek
565.02 דגלי דגלי F. Yanani
565.03 אליך דודי אקרא Shir Ushbaha, 1921 E. Menaged
565.04 גרש נא לחוץ Shir Ushbaha, 1921 Tabbush Manuscript Amos Dodi
1391 472s יביעון שפתי שירה יוסף יונה חזק Maqam Awj-Oj Hanukkah. Menorah. Attiah Manuscript Abraham Sitehon Manuscript Iraqi Recording
Iraqi Recording
Yom Tob Yanani - Nishmat
M Habusha
H Abraham Zafrani- Nishmat
D Binker-Duek- Nishmat
2684 אדון עולם ישועתי אליעזר Melody of this song traditionally associated with Purim, although nothing in the song's text refers to holiday. Yabess Manuscript Shire Zimrah, Algiers, 1889 E Menaged- Purim- Nishmat
E Menaged- Purim- EH
G Shrem- Qaddish Purim 1
G Shrem- Qaddish Purim 2
I Cabasso- Qaddish
E Mishaniye- Qaddish
M Habusha- Qaddish
D Binker-Duek- Qaddish
D Binker-Duek - Pizmon
S Antebi- Qaddish
Ram Mizrachi: Qaddish